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a digital minimalist.
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Grokking Computers: Chapter 0 - Introduction


Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

- Arthur C. Clarke

Here begins a journey into the innerworkings of computers. This will be a (roughly) six part series explaining computers from first princples—transistors to the internet. An estimate table of contents follows:

Modern computers consist of billions of parts doing billions of operations every second. Eletrical and Computer Engineers handle the immense complexity of these marvels using one main tool: abstraction. This is the idea that the complexity of the innerworkings of some system can be wrapped by a simple external-facing interface, such that the user of said interface need not worry about the internals of the system. An example of this is the automobile;

It should be noted in advance that each chapter is just the tip of the iceberg for each of these topics; one would need several PhDs

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